I don't like people. (66)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 09:43 ID:X/QMYvrP

wow, OP! I feel the exact same way as you. They're all shallow and boring at my university too, almost every last one of them. A few aren't shallow, but are boring, and a few aren't boring, but are shallow. I don't really want anything to do with such people either.
I'm not saying that i'm heaps of fun and hyper interesting, but i'm at least somewhat interesting, and far from shallow.

It's not a case of something being wrong with me or OP, this is a problem faced by non-boring, non-shallow peoples everywhere. It's not always a case of bitterness, and it's not a case of them just seeming shallow cos you don't know them better...it's a case of fact- there are so many more shallow people than real, fun people out there, that it's very hard to find good friends, and put up with the social climate in places like uni. Bitterness tends to result from having to put up with that year after year.
Trying to focus on the good points people have helps, but it only goes so far... there will alwas be times where it gets too annoying and you have to rant about it, as OP has done.

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