Self Improvement Thread (70)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-29 02:09 ID:OTklD6B3

Hey everyone, OP here. I'm happy to see that this is helping people :) Keep it guys, take it step by step and don't give up.

So far, I've been able to go skiing way more often and I've greatly improved. I can go down 8 of the 10 slopes at my local ski hill and it's just a matter of time before I can conquer the 2 remaining ones. In fact, I'm going on saturday again with some friends this time - hopefully I won't slam into a fence or anything :P

As for my martial arts endeavor, I've found an interesting club but haven't called yet. I'm thinking of joining a gym first as I'm pretty skinny and chances are get eaten up if I started karate now.

School work has gotten a little worse lately, but it's nothing I can't handle. I really have to stop procrastinating, it would save me loads of time :P

That's all for me - and again, keep up the good work everyone. We can do it.

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