Self Improvement Thread (70)

63 Name: List : 2008-03-29 08:40 ID:JL1jVi7i

Would like to improve quite a bit, maybe I'll start if I list them out here:

-Would like to learn Korean, the Korean population in the area is large and my mother is Korean as well so I don't have much of an excuse not to know it
-Would like to learn how to play acoustic guitar
-Would like to lose weight, around 30 pounds since I've put on that much since high school was over
-Would like to stop looking at Shota/Guro/Hentai and Pornography in general
-Would like to find someone new to date, I get the just friends feeling too often from everyone; maybe a new look/weight lose would help
-Would like to play video games less. This goal kinda saddens me due to the fact that I grew up with them and they hold a special place in me but I need to spend time more wisely.
-Get a new job, this working 11pm-7am is killing what's left of me.

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