Self Improvement Thread (70)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-18 19:45 ID:hAw15G48

My current goals are:

-Lose weight, through diet and excersize. I'm not overweight or anything, but I'd feel better about myself if I turned some of my excess flab into muscle.
-Get a job, so I can afford nice clothes, music, and so I don't have to move back in with my parents when the school year is over.
-Get more focused on school in general. I'm actually doing pretty okay at this one in general, although I've done fuck all this weekend.
-Learn the accordion, lol. I've wanted to do so for a few months; I was even signed up for a class, but then I got sick and missed a lot of the classes. :/
-Take up sewing again. I'll have to wait till I have a job to pay for fabric and a sewing machine, though.
-And my continued goal of expanding my social circle as much as possible in my new city.

We can do it!

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