How do you talk to old friends? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 09:01 ID:6IN1B1PB

Seeing is how I pratically hikki'd the last 4 years, how do I talk to her? What should I say? The idea of her overwhelms me in every aspect.

Ahh, couldn't sleep because of this- so I came to 4ch.

I'm meeting up with a single female friend I haven't hung out with in about 5 years next week. She was my best friend for 13~ years- but we grew apart. I'm also a (newly) single female. She invited me out on what's essentially a date (after seeing that I was broken up with my ex-boyfriend, I may add).

Since the last time we've talked, I've done about nothing. She, on the other hand, did alot more than me and seems like 53948x the better person in every aspect.

Another thing that may make it a little awkward was that she basicaly made me somewhat interested in girls, and I now live in an awkward place where I can remember her as this crush, and not so much a best friend (as I believe we drifted apart from the tension I created for myself). I don't really like her anymore, but I'm not sure if I can get over the whole 'once-a-crush' thing.

But, contacting me after I've turned single does pose as curious.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 12:45 ID:9r4GgA4k

Go for it. She may seem 583450340x better, and that's a good thing because she's willing to spend time with you. Maybe she can help you and you can learn from her. You should see this as an opportunity to learn, grow, and move on to better endeavors.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 19:27 ID:kJqkUm+c

i dont understand, do you both like women?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 23:49 ID:DhGG6GlY

You can get over the crush thing, eventually it could even become a joke between the two of you (depending on the type of friendship you have). You can still have a good time with somebody as a friend, even if in the distand past you felt something for her. If you are worried about your crush flaring up again you could always try meeting more people in general, so you don't end up idealising her due to now knowing anybody else.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 06:32 ID:6IN1B1PB

OP here.

It went really well, we talked alot and we ended up having crazy lesbian sex. Believe that or not, it actually happened.

I was over thinking it and apparently she likes girls/boys now.
Good night, though, overall!

ty 4ch!

6 Name: girls8 : 2008-02-07 06:49 ID:q9nKqrZo

Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera and many more are on SECRET CAMERA!!!See how they are FUCKED!!!!!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-07 19:37 ID:kJqkUm+c


8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-08 01:27 ID:Heaven

What, really?

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