Places to hang out/Things to do on the weekend (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-10 11:33 ID:zyfTgzVO

Thread to list and discuss places to hang out, places to go, and things to do on the weekend where you can meet like-minded people and/or just enjoy yourself. (Rather than just staying on the computer all the time)

To start off the list:

-Conventions: For geeks of all types. Computer, anime, comic, star trek, etc. Sure to find people with the same interests. Unfortuantely, you can only go rarely or you end up constantly wasting money.

-Concerts: Again, another good way to meet people with the same tastes. It's also easy to blend in if you're alone.

-Church: I see this suggested a lot, but I'm not into religion myself.

-School clubs: like minded individuals, etc.

-The gym: At least you'll be doing something productive. And people say endorphins make you emotionally better or whatever.

-The library: Easy to fit right in and at least you'll be out of your room.

-A park: Not sure what you can do there, though. Run around, read, and have a one man picnic?

-Work at a job: lol.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 19:42 ID:8GKSebjJ is good for meeting with like-minded individuals for any type of activity/type of thing

basically there are various meetup groups that you can join

they have bigger things or just a small group of people get together to watch anime or something, id really suggest checking it out

also there is a site called eventful which can tell you good info about conventions and concerts in your area, and connect you with others going

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 19:59 ID:hbW/RatM

I hangout wherever the booze is.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-15 11:39 ID:GZTFGjFc

If you're posting here, chances are you're doing it wrong.

5 Name: 1 : 2008-02-16 10:07 ID:zyfTgzVO

I do concerts, conventions, and school clubs.

I don't need the gym and I work out at home, not into religion, and I'm at my school's library inbetween classes. No job.

That leaves me free most weekends. Hence why I wanted people to post other suggestions.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-16 23:55 ID:El3No3n8

Sleep in the park.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-17 00:32 ID:g7nQNNjS

paintballing, clubbing, college, buying drugs

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