Making fun of my patients. (65)

58 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-18 20:34 ID:CNlI1/aB

Well first and formostly; you're a terrible excuse of a human being, if what you've said it true Dr.OP.
Secondly, this post you made could be used as an admission of guilt, legal jive for "you're screwed" in a court proceeding.
If this patient were to come to me for legal assistance, first thing I would do would be to subpoena your work records, tax information re: billing procedures, and order a forensic investigation of your computer, which would in turn show that you made this post here which then shows culpability and breach of the ethics of Doctor/Patient confidentiality.
This all added up means that this patient, being the harmed party, could sue (emotional distress, pain and suffering + unitive damages, etcetera) your ass for everything your worth, and ever hoped to be worth, to such an extent your heirs would still be paying on the judgment.
Me; I like round numbers, and if this happened to me, or this man was my client, I'd sue you for $20,000,000.00

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