Money between friends.... (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 13:50 ID:eIjMuJBN

Let's say I have a friend whom i borrowed small amounts of money often, like a few bucks a week. He doesn't really expect me to pay him back though. Then after a couple of years he suddenly asks for $300. Is that reasonable?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 14:49 ID:v/1EYON4


3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 15:46 ID:plfN3UZO

What is he going to do with $300?
No it's not reasonable.
If he is not a good friend tell him to fuck off

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 16:09 ID:7GlBokNu

Friends and money do not mix.
And I don't mean the odd few-dollars-since-he-forgot-his-wallet ones.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 19:11 ID:4IhCiH9z

Well, it sort of depends. If he's in a desperate situation, you've got money, and you're close friends, it might be reasonable; but generally speaking, lending friends money is a bad idea. I sold a friend a car once; I never got paid, and it ruined our friendship.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 19:35 ID:Heaven

I don't think its reasonable, it isn't really friend-like behaviour, how did he ask though?

well, I think you should come to a compromise and just start paying him back in small increments, that way you can hopefully not be affected too much by his sudden debt collection, and assuming he is a good guy, he should be happy with whatever is comfortable for you, considering he pretty much sprung it on you.

What I suspect though, is that if he isn't suddenly desperate for money for any particular serious reason like a debt, is that he is pissed off at you for some reason, this kind of thing really kills friendships, and isn't exactly the sign of a healthy one.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 21:22 ID:XYCetNqK

Why were you always mooching dollars off of him?

His actions weren't reasonable - asking for $300 is a big thing - but you've done the same to him, just over a long period of time so he doesn't realise how much money he's losing over the months.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-12 22:19 ID:w0nhWFv2

Or perhaps he does realize in which case your whole he does nt expect me to pay him back could be backfiring, at which point you risk being the guy who borrows money and never pays it back and as the supposed friend who has asked for the $300 I personaly would be vendictive and bring it up and make sure everyone else became aware of it also, cause am willing to bet he was nt the only person you ve borrowed from seems to me like you might be a bit of a mooch likes to borrow never expects to pay back and the second your asked for some money you wander if its reasonable or not, admitedly it may seem like a large amount but a couple of years would be at least 2 probably more say you borowed only $5 a week that amounts to around $525 you ve gotten from him...........yeah it adds up and am betting your friend aint ignorant of that fact either.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 20:44 ID:/csBPD/D

Of course. He's your best friend and he expects you to be there to help him. I think it's onkly arguable if you can't spare it, he's spending it on something totally stupid, or he doesn't intend to pay you back. Friends help each other out all the time, so it wouldn't hurt to accept donations from him now and then in the future. Or if something comes up and you need about 300 dollars, remind him about that one time.

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