Depressed and Stupid (14)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-28 21:05 ID:1VrZun9M

The bullshit college life thing that this society forces upon us just brings less meaning to our lives. It seems like if you are not in school, you are a loser. Having such a boring life is only your fault but don't go to school. Try going into something else. The life in the 60's begins rebirth due to the fact that school is just a horrible choice now-a-days. So many fuckers are getting degrees in America that its hard to even get into the field you want. I would suggest you do some community service, then try traveling (and don't fret about money because that's not always needed to travel), and, if you can, get out of the country. There are so many opportunities, with more or less dangers, out the world. Why stay here when you can get a job without a degree that you will love and be part of a different culture then your own. These mental problems you have won't be solved by any drugs because they are all bullshit. It seems the main thing now-a-days is to medicate America. You just need something new in your life. If you can, try volunteering for the peace corps or something. Do it without medication and it will be more fulfilling.

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