Nothing (19)

5 Name: Into the House : 2008-03-02 03:03 ID:tXawEf+/

>>1 LOL i have/had the same problem, look..i HATE going out (still do), i hate going to the mall or go to the dumbass overpriced movies ,...NOTHING happens!

I NOW live like a shutin, ditched all my "friends", deleted msn and WOW..this freedom is great. It's like that movie "into the wild.." but a house instead:p, Watching anime&shows&movies..and you dream about how life can be, it feels great.

But i know i soon have to wake up and face reality..working 40 hours a week, pretend i'm an outgoing guy, go out on dates where i have to force myself,pay taxes and DIE KNOWING THAT LIFE SUCKS MONKEY BALLS!


For now, i'm still dreaming and i do know that waking up will be the death of me, just like Spike Spiegel.

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