Willpower Vs. Procrastination (16)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-02 18:42 ID:bQhPkegn

>>1 You and I are the same. I've tried setting general schedules for the past three weeks and failed at following them every time. What I've determined that I need to do is schedule every hour for the next week, dedicating each to a particular task, and then follow it verbatim.

My issues are that I usually say "I'll have time to do it later" (And I do often get lucky enough to cram hard enough to just barely make it), and that I have this idea that when I set out to do a task that is required of me, it will be something I won't enjoy or it'll be a bad experience in general.

I'm not sure how I got tot his point, but the only way I can see myself changing is to be that rigorous with my schedule for awhile.

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