Feigning intelligence? (13)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-03 00:30 ID:rUTTkX9p

Well, I got drunk and high the other day with 3 friends of mine. They're all underachiever gaming types, but I've started questioning their actual worth. Their 'contemplative' discussion seems to bring out their true ego, nothing more than bits of knowledge plastered on a paltry attempt to color themselves intellectual. I get blank stares when bringing up a secondary perspective or extra information about the topic. Is this behavior common for the people with labels of "cool", "smart", and "easygoing" attached to them?

Another thing: I'm very, VERY antisocial/personable, and just thought I'd ask the internet about this since my chances of finding out personally are slim to none. Thanks.
(Sorry for the truncated description , I'mma typing on a PDA)

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