Feigning intelligence? (13)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-03 06:43 ID:HK5cJwS8

I meet a lot of those 'underachievers' working blue collar jobs during the summer. They're very opinionated people and for that reason I do think they're easy going guys to hang out with. Maybe they're a little ill informed, but I can absolutely see potential if they applied in a Uni.

Having said that, I guess its true to say "Those who speak the loudest usually have the littlest to say."

Oh, I also hope your not becoming elitist. I mean, they are your friends. Accept them as is. :)

If you do wanna have interesting talks instead of blank stares, then your gonna have to be anti anti social. Join the sociology club. I love the stupid auguments. Or, email some profs, even if you havent taken their course before. I've only tried this with religion profs, other I dunno about. Probably philosphy teacher got something to say as well.

Anywho, toodles!

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