Mute/Loss of friend(s) (28)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-09 10:49 ID:FIrRZeb4

I don't think OP is an asshole either. If he did it on purpose to keep an air of intrigue, why would he post about it? It could be due to self-esteem reasons, though.

OP, do you talk much in real life? Personally, I don't. But I've gotten used to posting on anonymous sites like these. Thus, I feel more at ease while writing and I can write at my own pace, with no one seeing my face or hearing my voice. The only way people can consider me inadequate is through the words I write, and they probably wouldn't know me in my next post, so who cares?

Phone/mic is the next level, closer to real life. If you didn't talk much in real life it might make sense to have more trouble with it.

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