Uhmm... I have a split personality. Its more like a voice. Its evil (kind of) and sometimes it actually takes over and I black out.
Im kind of scared, but I dont want to take medication- is it okay for me to try to just get through with it.
There are several reasons I don't believe you.
if it tells you to burn something, do it. he knows what he's talking about.
Get help before he misplaces something inside your butt.
You guys dont help at all.
Most people are unaware of the fact that they have a split personality, btw. Just putting that out there. Go see a competent psychiatrist for a little while, just to get a diagnosis, and the decide whether you wish to continue. Most psychiatrists don't go straight for the drugs without any therapy, unless they're new, world weary or suck at their job.
Or you could just learn to troll better.
Like a lightbulb
whoah you do? maybe my other personality came cope up with you
well lets try to be friends
add me