Dumped on my Birthday (36)

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 20:05 ID:C1mgu40O

I would be interested in knowing your ex-boyfriend's side of the story, oh well, your life isn't for my personal amusement :3.

However, I'd pose the question to everyone posting here if you would'nt have done the same thing. Rather have a vindictive, angry girlfriend who threatens suicide, who takes advantage of "Empowerment" by hurting others, and who on many levels expects to be treated in a way that she will never treat others.

Now imagine that this girl is moving in on your territory, spending time with YOUR friends, playing YOUR games while you are kept away like the monstrous ex-boyfriend that you are.

This sounds like a nightmare.

>>25 Seriously, he needed to break up with her. And now she needs to get the fuck out of his life, leave his friends alone, and stop lashing out and finding ways to hurt others.

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