Style: How do you usually dress? (28)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 04:00 ID:LVLhIxPJ

skinny straight jeans are my favorite, black converse, normal t-shirts, and a normal hoodie. by my definition i wear extremely boring clothes, mainly for some contrived goal of balance. coupled with my extreme self-consciousness and social inability it GETS THE JOB DONE.

i honestly wish i could be more trendy and fashionable, but when i find something that i think looks good on me it is really hard to break the trend. like, a few years ago all i wore were shorts, for about three years! now it seems that skinny jeans are going to be in for a long time. i don't necessarily care about the trend of everyone else, if only to see what's out there and if i like it. once i get it, it's for me - not anyone else. but yeah, i'd really like to be super-hipster/trendy/artsy as i am apart of that sect of culture, but in the end i don't want to go through all that shit trouble of layering and wearing things that fit too tightly or too loose, or i will be too hot or too cold, or if i look like a douche or not.

it all just gives me a huge headache and that is why i stick to jeans, shirt, hoodie. it works and i feel fairly attractive.

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