drug induced psychosis (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 01:52 ID:3Yzh4a46

the title pretty much says it. i got my hands on some weed yesterday and had an extremely bad trip. i was hallucinating and crap. everything was all fucked up and some weird pulsating swirly thing was questioning me about all aspects of my life. it brought up the point that every day of the average human beings lief is all just a series of emotions and explored the fact that there is no meaning behind life. it made me want to end myself. as time passed by my trip turned into a game of life and death. i had to recite all things good in my life to make myself feel good about myself to maintain a steady heartbeat, whilst the pulsating swirly thing recited all the bad things, and my darkest fears and whatnot. while these things were being recited i was feeling corresponding emotions. this soon led to physical feelings like pain. everytime i was brought vaguely back to reality by a concerned friend, everything looked simpson like. or more accurately everything looked like all the weird ass drawings you see on "mambo" clothing ads. it was fucking insane and scared the shit out of me. im pretty sure at somepoint i thought i was a mental point in an asylum and was talking shit. im never gonna touch drugs ever again after this happening.

i know this shouldnt happen on weed, which is why im abit concerned. i know it wasnt laced too because my mates would have experienced something similar. i hope i never experience this shit again. although, it was good to get it off my chest.

has anyone ever experienced something similar?

tl;dr bad drug trips. have you experienced them?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 01:53 ID:gqaCZfVW

ITT 12 year old trolls don't know anything about the effects of weed.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 02:03 ID:3Yzh4a46

no retard. im not fucking 12. get your facts right.

yes, thats not normal with weed, however marijuana can bring on psychotic episodes like what i experienced.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 03:16 ID:FwY9Fsy/



OP, marijuana isn't usually known for inducing hallucinations, but it can happen, but it's rather rare. There is no "cause", THC is simply a hallucinogen and in either large or very potent doses it can cause hallucinations in some people.

Also, drug induced psychosis is a mental disorder on its own, which is an incorrect term for what you experienced as medically it's only caused by amphetamines.

You just had good weed, that's all. I've had weed so strong before it's felt like shrooms or DXM. If I were you I'd be happy you experienced something like that. Drugs are great "tools" for opening your mind and body, and it certainly sounds like you did that. Just look at it in a more positive way.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 03:19 ID:FwY9Fsy/

>>4 here. I should mention that while marijuana is thought to trigger psychosis in some individuals, it's not instantaneous. On top of that, there is no actual solid evidence this can occur, and is subject to debate.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 06:57 ID:Heaven

That was some bomb ass weed, dude. Hook a brotha up.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 13:31 ID:3Yzh4a46

yeah it was pretty intense..

8 Name: sage : 2008-04-02 19:17 ID:k7z/U411


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