the sound of your voice (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 10:47 ID:PTyx+vYB

it's horrible listening to your own voice and noticing how gritty and awful it is. Then, rejected and unloved by girls due to your vocal disadvantages...

Being asian and english is not my first language, I have an accent that makes my voice unattractive to females..

I'm currently listening to audio books and trying to mold my voice .

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 12:01 ID:Zjui3TTy

As well as listening to more English audio books, try going to a vocal coach. They are the kind of people that teach actors (and other people) how to speak with different accents.

But how do you know for sure that its because of your voice that you have been rejected by girls?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 15:49 ID:n2DMbVPD

The sound of my voice makes my pen0r hard, I can only imagine what it does to women...

Dude, just speak with confidence, speak with joy and calm, speak like you would when you are alone with people you're completely in confidence with, or as you speak to yourself if you're insane.
You can have any accent you want and have a wierd sounding voice, but 90% of what may be unattractive about someones voice is what they say and how they say it.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 19:38 ID:EzNXeETB

I don't know about other people, but I speak English fine and I still hate the sound of my voice. It really throws me off when there's an audible delay, or reverb when talking on a cell phone and I can hear my own faggotry, nasally voice all of a sudden. When I'm talking it sounds a lot better to my own ears than when I actually hear the playback.

But yeah, what >>3 said. If you believe you're sexy, you're sexy.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 20:21 ID:n2DMbVPD

It always does until you get very used to it, because it sounds different and it's not what you're expecting. It may sound darker, more nasal, brighter, whatever. Either of these could be both nice and unpleasant depending on wether you've learned to appriciate it or not, but since you already appriciate the way your voice resonates inside your head, it will sound awkward.

Others however don't notice it like that, obviously.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 20:43 ID:f/rMg3HG

it sounds like the rest of the 7 billion people living.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 20:52 ID:csBrmOqI

i have a french canadian accent in french but i managed to teach myself the european french accent for fun. just watch a lot of shows or listen to lots of music in the source accent and be sure to repeat what's being said. eventually you'll sound different

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-29 23:18 ID:QucI57Oo

Some people are turned on by foreign accents, or even speech impediments like the deaf accent or stuttering.
Personally, I find women with more bass in their voice to be irresistible. I think I may be in the minority, but there's hope for everyone.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 08:52 ID:84BhNJq+

I'm the one who started the topic titled 'Mute/Loss of Friends' and my problem originally started out because I hate the sound of my own voice.

Do you have the name of those books you're currently listening to?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 14:40 ID:mSMZIehm


Everyone hates the sound of his or her own voice whe hearing it on tape for the first time. The reason why is that, when we speak, our ears hear additional internal resonance from the jaw bone. This resonance adds a pleasing depth and warmth to the sound.

Of course, when your voice projects, it loses this resonance, which is why your voice always seems tinny and higher-pitched when you hear it played back.

If you want to compensate for this, there are certain vocal excercises you can try. Chief among these is to speak so that you resonate your voice through the pharyngial cavity at the back of the throat. That will add low end.

To get the feel for this, try yawning a few times. Notice how you feel a vibration at the back of your throat and the sound of your voice begins to deepen significantly.

Now try to speak as if you're yawning. It will sound wierd at first, but eventually you'll get the hang of the muscle movements. With practice, you can consciously direct your voice through the pharyngial cavity to deepen the sound while maintaining clarity.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 11:45 ID:PTyx+vYB


wow.. Thanks! I'll try that

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-10 13:18 ID:PTyx+vYB

Urg, OP here. I practiced hard to get rid of my asian accent, but I can't do it >.< I can speak clearly and understandable... but it's just my asian accent that throws people off.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-10 23:01 ID:pCcR3mK9

I have a severe Midwestern Nerd accent.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-11 00:46 ID:wehWWaTT

My girlfriend says i could be a voice actor when i'm older.

Other then that..I wanna be a singer..My voice,sexy,nice, lovely, breathe taking, Ext...

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-11 11:32 ID:Heaven

You know, foreign accents turn on some people. Actually, quite a good lot of people.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-11 19:00 ID:mSMZIehm


If you really want to switch accents*, you'll probably need formal vocal training. The reshaping of syllable sounds can be a very difficult thing to achieve just on your own, without assistance and someone who knows what to listen for.

  • I say "switch accents" because there is no such thing as an unaccented voice. Here in the US, people whom we often think of as lacking an accent are actually using the accent called "standard American" or "broadcast American".

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-11 19:12 ID:FRhBCHxe

I would follow >>10's advice. Most annoying nasally voices can be gotten rid of by a bit of bass/depth in it.

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