Your Meaning of Living (13)

1 Name: Nothing Special : 2008-03-30 14:14 ID:Ew0PWO1d

As the topic states: what is your meaning of living?

Is it in spiritualism? Do you have a concrete goal you are pursuing or enjoying the fruits of? Are you simply living day to day with no particular goals?

Before having anyone answer my question, I guess it would be proper for me to answer first in the spirit of seeking people's thoughts.

For me, I'm not sure what my reasons for living are. I have things I enjoy - skateboarding and guitar are my two chief passions in life, and I will do anything short of killing myself to keep doing either or both. But simply having passions doesn't mean that you can make it a career or means of supporting yourself. Similarly, I'm thinking of pursuing a career involving Computers and Science - not because it's interesting but just because I have a knack for learning Japanese and because a technology oriented job is more realistic for me.

Four or some years ago I seriously thought of just dying since life didn't feel worth living. Of course, this was after I was hit hard with a break up from a serious relationship as well as other issues like becoming sick of having to go to school and learning about things that had no impact or importance to my station or goal in life. And then about a year ago I broke part of my spine (not the main vertebrae, but the little things jutting out from the vertebrae), and was paralyzed for about a week before I was able to walk again somewhat normally. While sitting there immobilized except for the pain, I felt like if I couldn't do things I cared about, then life wasn't worth living - at least not like this. But at some point or another, I decided to keep living since it takes more effort to live with pain than to just be rid of it once and for all.

Honestly, I still don't really know what I'm working for in life, but I'm still working at it. I guess when it boils down, it's not a matter of being happy or not - it's just a quest to survive while claiming simple joy and triumph from time to time while dealing with the times you're left there dumbstruck over why everything sucks so much.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 16:53 ID:bpDtCxuh

Try to use my life to make the world a better place, or at least try to stop it from getting too much worse than it already is. Why? I beleive in reincarnation, and i'm pissed off enough at having been born into such a shitty world this time, I don't wanna come back again.
Also, to learn whatever lessons I'm supposed to learn by living this life.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 16:55 ID:c+I39PNF

Pretty much just to experience new things. I haven't started yet though.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-30 17:51 ID:xduAEBL/

Living is surviving, moving on from one day to the next. I try to spice it up with little goals, like "if I can just keep working another couple months, I'll have enough saved to buy a new receiver." Then it'll be a new goal, and so on and so forth.

I think that's all anyone can hope for, really.

Oh, and anyone who can honestly say something like

>>it takes more effort to live with pain than to just be rid of it once and for all

has obviously never seriously attempted suicide. Just sayin'.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 01:35 ID:Heaven

To learn all their is to know about myself, humanity, the universe and beyond.
Failing that, just living long enough to not die alone.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 02:52 ID:BSY4tKuc

there is no meaning of life for me. hell, there is no meaning for the universe. it's all just a big sandbox.

7 Name: lifesucks : 2008-03-31 03:46 ID:RbBIAgnu

My meaning of life is to end it. Although i wouldn't because of my family ..i do hope the end will be soon so i can return to the nothingness.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 04:14 ID:bpDtCxuh

Coolest answer so far.

9 Name: Oracle From The Land of the Rus!2ilz5ZtWGg : 2008-04-01 04:02 ID:z/qGtT6e

As the topic states: what is your meaning of life for me. Four or some years ago I seriously thought of just dying since life didn't feel worth living.

Of course, this was after I was hit hard with a break up from a serious relationship as well as other issues like becoming sick of having to go to school and learning about things that had no impact or importance to my station or goal in life. And then about a week before I was able to walk again somewhat normally. While sitting there immobilized except for the pain, I felt like if I couldn't do things I cared about, then life wasn't worth living - at least not like this.

But at some point or another, I decided to keep doing either or both. But simply having passions doesn't mean that you can make it a career or means of supporting yourself. Similarly, I'm thinking of pursuing a career or means of supporting yourself.

Similarly, I'm thinking of pursuing a career involving Computers and Science - not because it's interesting but just because I have things I enjoy - skateboarding and guitar are my two chief passions in life, and I will do anything short of killing myself to keep living since it takes more effort to live with pain than to just be rid of it once and for all.

Honestly, I still don't really know what I'm working for in life, and I will do anything short of killing myself to keep living since it takes more effort to live with pain than to just be rid of it once and for all.Honestly, I still don't really know what I'm working for in life, and I will do anything short of killing myself to keep living since it takes more effort to live with pain than to just be rid of it once and for allhas obviously never seriously attempted suicide.

Just sayin'. To learn all their is to end it. Although i wouldn't because of my spine (not the main vertebrae, but the little things jutting out from the vertebrae), and was paralyzed for about a year ago I seriously thought of just dying since life didn't feel worth living. Of course, this was after I was hit hard with a break up from a serious relationship as well as other issues like becoming sick of having to go to school and learning about things that had no impact or importance to my station or goal in life.

And then about a week before I was hit hard with a break up from a serious relationship as well as other issues like becoming sick of having to go to school and learning about things that had no impact or importance to my station or goal in life. And then about a week before I was hit hard with a break up from a serious relationship as well as other issues like becoming sick of having to go to school and learning about things that had no impact or importance to my station or goal in life.

10 Name: neko : 2008-04-06 17:59 ID:2dBfLkKD

My meaning of live...hmm...I'm livig 'cause my family needs me. I'm living 'cause suicide is a cowardice. I'm living 'cause I want to do sth in my life. I'm living 'cause I want to find sth. I'm living to get to know more about people, their feelings, their thoughts...

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-06 19:10 ID:Heaven


I agree.

12 Name: gothicgirl : 2008-04-06 22:02 ID:2LDJXYUo

Okay, this is going to sound really cheesy and crappy, but for me life is like just an adventure that will eventually come to an end. Some people are lazy and do nothing throughout the adventure and some people set goals that they try to reach. In the ned everyone will die and your adventure will come to an end.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-07 13:53 ID:Heaven

>>12 Ever play a game called Passage?

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