dealing with bullies (20)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 14:44 ID:gPdnJUwg

ok so im in school and this kid i dont like his name is shawn he starts botering me because hes a jerk and he alawys picks on me like pushing me around and stuff anyway usualyi dont usualy do anything cuz i get scared but that day he was pushing me into the wall while i was walking to class with my friends and everyone was quiet cuz no1 wanted to get picked on but i was starting to get angry so i said to him stop it already, shawn and he\'s like f*** u, dork make me and im like fine thats it!!!11! so he pushes me and i fall on my face and evry1 around gets in a group and starts going fight fight fight and shawns like get up you b**** so i get up slowly and im REALLY angry and i turn around and i feel like theres this power inside me so i start screaming at him like goku so evry1 in the group backs up and looks scared and even shawn started to back up and look scared so i yell at him you shuldnt have messed with a sayian!!!1! i put my hands back and go kameeeeeeehameeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa and i try to shoot it i dont see it but i could feel the forc e of it (im training it now so i can see it) and shawn backed up a bit so i coul dtell him i hit him wiht it too then he turned around and walked awya cuz he was scared and evry1 in the gruop walked away too and my friends all come up to me and start saying stuff like good job and my friend chris says dude your hair turned gold for a second and im like really and hes like yeah and then all my other friends are like yeah i saw it too so thats the story of how i learned that i was a saiyan

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 18:04 ID:Heaven

go outside

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 18:59 ID:Heaven

In after fail.

4 Name: OP : 2008-03-31 20:27 ID:Qwx3Syxi

wat do u mean??

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 21:12 ID:a3yQZ1u6

Pick up a dictionary, look up "to fail", read, ponder. Then do something useful out of your life.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 21:30 ID:nmLExL5C

Simply beat the shit out of him. Surprise attack from behind.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 06:36 ID:jLXg+KYK

surely its copy pasta?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 06:46 ID:Heaven


9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 08:49 ID:Heaven

Anyway I lol'd.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 13:01 ID:wxHjgBET

OP, I totally understand how you feel. I wish I had your courage when I was younger. I think the best solution to this would've been to continue to ignore him though and refrain from calling him names. Remember that anger never solves anything. Someone will get hurt. I learnt this from experience.

I'm also not sure whether your friends are worth your time or not. You should let them go as soon as possible. A true friend will stand by you in times of need, but as far as I can see, they didn't even help and even encouraged your violent behaviour.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-01 19:15 ID:Heaven

you just elongated a quote from bash, faggot

12 Name: SAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGESAGE : 2008-04-01 20:44 ID:Heaven


>dude your hair turned gold for a second and im like really and hes like yeah and then all my other friends are like yeah i saw it too so thats the story of how i learned that i was a saiyan
>i learned that i was a saiyan

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 09:35 ID:wxHjgBET

I'm not quite sure what a saiyan is, but if it involves hurting people then I would strongly suggest that you un-learn it before you become addicted. The problem is that now you've tasted blood, you crave for more. This is much like smoking. Smoking is like a drug that destroys lives. Don't even think that you can puff a little and then drop it later. When you grow up to my age, you will still be able to join your school's football team. This Shawn person has no hope left. He will never be able to join the football team because he took that first cigarette. You, however, are not Shawn. You are different. You are not saiyan yet. Have hope and faith. Post here if you need any help. I can share my near-sayan experiences with you and tell you how I learnt self control.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-02 14:44 ID:niOokvrY

This thread is obviously retards who got picked on in school.

>Remember that anger never solves anything.

Are you fucking kidding? If you don't man up and hit the guy while you still have time, you're going to be a giant pussy later in life. Believe it or not, it's true.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-04 15:00 ID:wxHjgBET

Three things.
I am not fucking kidding. I don't believe it. Therefore it is not true.
You can either be a rich giant pussy, or be the thug that gets employed by the rich giant pussy as a body guard.

OP, how is the cold turkey going?

Please don't call OP a retard. You are doing him more harm than good.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-05 00:18 ID:90BNI1fz

looking back on myself, i wish i'd beat the shit out of someone who bullied me in highschool.
if i get in a fight today, i'd miss time from work, be fired, have a record to keep me from getting jobs, ect.
back in highschool, i should have lived a little more. cause you can get in alot of trouble as a minor without it affecting the rest of your life.
tl;dr: fuck the bully up. don't worry about getting in trouble. it means nothing in the long run so long as you're under aged.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-06 20:31 ID:N+ycrGgO


Yes, I got picked on in school, and it reassured me of how much more intelligent I was than my bullies because of the pragmatic decision not to fight back, and the self control it taught me.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-21 18:11 ID:3IuPbVIZ


But what if you hit him back (and considering the ungainly nature of most bullying victims this is bound to be in vain, not to mention extremely humiliating) and he proceeds to BEAT THE EVERLOVING SHIT OUT OF YOU?

If a big guy picks on a scrawny guy, would you really want to provoke him and get your ass handed in a big way? It's common sense Tony.

But yeah, I got raped in high school. Didn't teach me any self control, unless you consider regressive, catatonic ineptitude for social situations of any kind to be self control. My biggest problem back then was that I always blamed everybody else, and realising too late that the problem was with how I handled the situation - the way I defended myself in a cowardly manner from those who had a go at me by telling myself that they were just stupid, and the way this thought process snowballed over time to include anybody who wasn't like me (people who pick on me, then people who had balls and a tough confrontational attitude, then extroverts and people who weren't constrained mentally in the same way I'd been doing myself, people who care about their appearance and dye their hair and get piercings - and then becoming apprehensive of almost everybody because I can't relate to them, ie. as pathetic as it comes). And now I'm so incredibly screwed up in my rationale and instincts about everythings that it's complete mindless and self-loathing trial and error trying to figure out what went wrong, pragmatic patterns of thought etc. in order to get back to where I might've once been.

So yeah I got the shit kicked out of me in high school, but ultimately the real problem was the pussy, stubborn way I chose to handle it. Then again maybe I was just confused, feeling like I'd done nothing consciously wrong and that it MUST've been them because I couldn't figure out why they'd come at me without me having so much as ever even spoke to them. But still, that mentality is what I've been building upon defensively over the last 6 years, and am now trying to deconstruct.

19 Name: 18 : 2008-05-21 18:24 ID:3IuPbVIZ

And I guess the only advice I could give is to confront them, try and figure out where they're coming from. Maybe try and get on their good side. If it comes to blows then you might want to try what I could never do and stand up for yourself - there were in fact a few occasions where I tried to do this, but ended up looking an inept pussy and merely incuring worse treatment (as in, I-shouldve-stuck-to-being-a-pussy worse treatment) from whoever was dishing it out. But if you can get onto the same level with these people, regardless of what's causing the conflict in the first place (even if they're just randomly having a go at you to see if you react in an amusingly submissive way), you'll have sorted it out.

Also, if they give reasons for why they pick on you (things that've offended them or whatever) bear them in mind. This will help you become aware of your external impression. Maybe you can explain any misunderstandings to them, improve the flaws they see, or even just show that you aren't vulnerable about the things they take exception to.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-22 01:59 ID:Heaven

These things make me wish the Death Note was real.

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