i get acne around my mouf occassionally and i notice my gf stops kissing me when this happens i dont have a lot but i get it on the corners of my mouth and my chin i take zinc tablets that seems to help a bit whats the best medicine??
Plenty of exercise, some sunshine. Also, see your doctor.
stop touching your face with your greasy hands.
that did it for me, anyways. i always rested my chin in my palm.
acne.org, try getting the products there and following the regimen perfectly.
I've been taking accutane for some months, it's really helped, I have the kind of acne that Itagaki has.
Use a Benzoyl Peroxide cream. I use Clean and Clear Persa-Gel 10. You can get it at pretty much any drug store, I think. I had really nasty acne a couple months ago, but now I only have a couple scars, which are starting to fade.
Talk to your doctor. He'll know what to do exactly, whether it's buying something of the shelf or if it's a prescription.
brush your teefers
you can buy off-the-counter drugs to help, but specialized prescription drugs help the most, talk to a doctor. But these can only treat acne, not prevent it. In order to stop it from reappearing you have to exercise more. In some cases acne is caused by stress, so if you have a lot of that in your life I suggest you try to counter it by thinking optimistically... or something like that. Whatever gets rid of stress.
I have pretty bad Acne too. In high school, though, I was on the swim team. I LOVED swimming. But most importantly, swimming every day in that chlorinated pool kept my skin clean and free of oils.
Swimming lots = no acne. For me, anyway. I wish i swam more.
Does acne scarring, ones that sinks in, heal naturally or do I have to be stuck with it for the rest of my life?
I think you should read the definition of the word "scar" in a dictionary.
A dictionary doesn't answer the question, faggot.
wash your face
scar (plural scars)
A permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound.
Now who's the faggot?
Sometimes? In what other ways would a physical scar form if not from the healing of a wound? Either that's a pretty shitty dictionary you're using or you've making up your own definition.