I give off the "weird" vibe (16)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-03 15:32 ID:8MQ6+Kfp

get a really close friend whom you can be honest with and ask him/her to point out all the weird shit you do. alot of time its subconscious gestures/body language type stuff that you can't control.

sometimes you don't even realise it. better to have a close friend tell you than have other people snigger at you about it behind your back.

i know how it feels...

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-05 16:10 ID:Heaven


>>get a really close friend whom you can be honest with and ask him/her to point out all the weird shit you do.

Because close friends totally grow on trees. I mean, all you have to do is reach up, grab one, and you're good to go. Like the motherfucking supermarket.


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