Generic Lonesone thread (39)

10 Name: kidb : 2008-04-14 11:53 ID:3pZpbr7l

I could write forever... but currently I still have the option to go back to school and have my parents pay for it, but I'm opting not to. I don't have the social ability, I never will, so I see no reason to go back and torture myself. Though part of me desperately wants to get a degree, get some friends and have the college experience, start a meaningful career that I care about, and create a life I can be enthusiastic about living.

But I fear that my destiny is to stagnate in a low level job... Let inertia carry me through the path of least resistance, 'going through' rather than 'living' life.

Just like you, OP.

The fact that I gave up on that dream makes me look negatively at every option I have in life. Shit jobs that I will accept with resignation, and that I don't have the motivation or strength to do anything about.

I look with envy at the beautiful 20-somethings together in their VW Jetta, blaring some incomprehensible music and smiling with each other. I overflow with regret and envy every single time I see a nice, cleanly-kept, modest car parked in a suburban driveway with a college-letter sticker on the back.

WHatever.. as it stands today, my parents are going to use the tuition money (my dad is moderately rich anyway) to set me up in an apartment so I can try to become independant. I'm as unenthusiastic about this as I was about college. It's a last resort. I fear I will end up like you OP. If that doesn't work I'm going to a mental hospital (or killing myself).

tl;dr I wish I could give you an uplifting story, but I suspect that people like us are destined to a life of diminished expectations, contentement with depression, and misery.

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