Generic Lonesone thread (39)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-15 07:06 ID:cpwyBkkI

Okay, suicide is not an option. Even if you think you have no friends and nobody likes you, it can't really be like that. Family counts, for one thing. Also, you probably don't realize it but I'm sure there are people who consider you their friend. I was thinking about suicide myself up until a few weeks ago but I never could go through with it because one of my brother's friends committed suicide a year ago and his family still isn't over it and neither are all of his friends. Instead, one day I decided to go for a drive to clear my head and didn't tell anyone I was going. I turned off my cell and just drove. I ended up driving all day, spending the night in a hotel, and then turning on my cell. I had messages from people I had hardly talked to in over a year telling me how much they were worried and how much they still loved me. I was the only one who thought I was alone and unloved, and I'm sure you're the same way. You all need to just try. I'm shy and it's so hard to make new friends and talk to people, but you just have to try harder. People won't hate you for talking to them, so just give it a shot.

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