Unrequited love (18)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-14 21:12 ID:ZsC2AMGj

Harsh truth time: you're never going to have her. There is no hope for you where she is concerned, and there will be no hope of finding someone else until you get over her.

You can do one of two things: either you can completely shut her out of your life, which would be difficult and hurtful to both of you, I expect.

Or you can accept that she'll never love you the way you want her to, and be grateful for what you do have with her. Build a friendship. It won't be that romantic dream you've longed for, but it will be something. Something quite good, from what I've experienced in the past. If you focus on the non-romantic feelings you have for her, the romantic ones should fade eventually.

Also - simply set yourself some goals for functioning in society again. Work, work out, whatever will take your mind off of her. If you have to mope, at least go on long walks and mope, don't do it alone in your room.

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