uncontrollable rage; in b4 tl;dr (9)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-27 03:28 ID:vn4VITbE

Here's something that worked for me: I started taking Paxil (paroxetine) to take the edge off my OCD. It did that, a little bit, but didn't cure it. But I noticed that I stopped flying into a rage when surprised or hurt. I quit hitting and kicking things. I stopped breaking things. Now when I get angry, there's a reason for it, and it quickly goes away instead of coming back again and again in waves for an hour or more.

To deal with the side effect of lowered sex drive, don't take it for a couple of days over the weekend (may not be a good idea if you're taking it for depression). Aphrodisiacs such as a certain kind of plant can be useful too.

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