I like this girl, and I guess since I am an introvert I can't seem to speak up for myself. That being said, she told me she wants to throw a birthday party for me and invite a bunch of people. The problem is that I am a shy person and don't like being in public places. When she was suggesting things we do for the party I just kept agreeing with her. I don't know what to do at this point!
go through with it. it sounds like shes somewhat interested in you. just tell her you dont want an overly huge party, like, just you, her and some close friends to make it comfortable.
This will also help you get over your shyness and learn to be comfortable in public
Well, I've said this in a lot of threads concerning social phobias and anxieties. The best way is to force yourself into such situations. However, an entire party seems a bit much. Nevertheless if she's already started and you've already agreed, there isn't really any backing out now...