Social (18)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-04-30 12:22 ID:eSVQMRnL

>>4 totally agree with this. Although there have been times when I've been with my BEST friends and I get antsy to get back home and to the internet...but that's usually 'cause I like dorky things like RP'ing.

Best friends IRL are irreplaceable, though.

I know a lot of people, but I have a very small inner circle. I didn't used to be social, however. I used to be very shy, and in high school I had almost no friends at all. I was sick of that person and so I decided to do something about it.

I have met so many people by talking to them randomly! I once commented on a guy's cast...(Oh no, how did that happen?) and we got to talking, and then he introduced me to his friend, who is one of my closest friends today.

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