Fuck (11)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-01 06:50 ID:gd1OKZ+F

i have a massive project due in very soon
if i fail this, i fail my whole course
and its nowhere near done. i'm going to fail it
the last three years of my life will have been for nothing
well not nothing, i enjoyed it and i'm less of a social retard than i used to be
but academically speaking, in terms of my career prospects, nothing
i'll be a college dropout who's never had a paying job (or sex)

and all because i didn't start working on this a week ago
i just browsed the internet and wasted my time
all my time
and i'll have to explain this to my family, and to some university staff who've been nothing but helpful while i lied to them

kids! don't be like me. please.

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