Moaning in my sleep (7)

1 Name: Qatmoan : 2008-05-11 00:29 ID:i1FsAVbN

So... Is this normal, to moan in your sleep ? Everyone I've ever slept with/has seen me sleeping says I moan a lot in my sleep. Does this mean I always have wet dreams but just don't remember them ? Or am I just breathing in a awkward way, since I have asthma and lots of allergies and all.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-11 04:08 ID:Heaven

Well, if you had a wet dream, you'd know because things would be a little sticky in your danger zone.

Shit happens when you sleep, you can't help it, so don't be self-conscious about it. If people find it funny, fuck 'em. I always get complaints that I act like an asshole when I'm trying to sleep, but I shrug it off because I know I can't do a damned thing when I'm in a completely different mindset.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-11 14:30 ID:QbGfb05Z

My sister used to moan when she sleeps, and I think it was hot.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-12 12:37 ID:RNB9xLaT

I mumble/make incoherent sounds and sleep-talk, and even scream from time to time in my sleep. My friends and family getting wake up shit scared because they think there's a burglar in the house.

I just find it hilarious because it's not me that's getting woken up and freaked out.

5 Name: eskrim : 2008-05-12 20:16 ID:Hamfqu+j

can girls have wet dreams??

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-12 23:56 ID:mwBjNCdi


No. God does not allow it.

7 Name: eskrim : 2008-05-13 05:29 ID:Hamfqu+j


lol why not?

>>Does this mean I always have wet dreams but just don't remember them ?

well did you check your pants??

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