Life just feels so pointless (18)

6 Name: TS : 2008-05-16 09:34 ID:jBFUwq+p

>>I'm 20 and I've never been in a relationship, I'm at a college I hate with no friends. I hate what I'm studying and I'm so goddamn depressed all the time.

sounds like me OP, except i'm 21, and by the time i finish college, i'll be 23. not a single relationship in my life, computer engineering for most of the day, then dead time in front of the computer for the rest. this college was forced onto me by my parents, and like you, i havent really made many friends.

...but in spite of it all, i know someday, somehow, everything i want will be mine. i know if i give up now, i'll be fucked later. and i'd never forgive myself, because i had the change.

don't give up OP. you're not alone.

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