I can't put my pants on all the way please help (28)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 00:28 ID:8l5jCeGS

This is a very serious problem. Ever since I could walk I have been unable to put on pants. I have always been outcasted and chided for not being able to wear anything other than shorts. I am now moving to Massachusetts where it will be very cold and I don't think I will be able to continue to wear shorts. Please give me any tips or tricks that you use to put on pants. Thank you.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 00:52 ID:+AHpWxWb

Wear a kilt.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 01:30 ID:Heaven

Original one, 7/10.

4 Name: PK : 2008-06-05 01:38 ID:yv3XNOnZ


5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 02:10 ID:38O2P8cF

Sew two pairs of shorts together.

6 Name: 43 : 2008-06-05 11:42 ID:Heaven

Wear shorts underneath

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 16:59 ID:noYeD3hV

Why can't you? exactly what problem are you having?

8 Name: PK : 2008-06-05 18:08 ID:yv3XNOnZ


Are you serious? Or am I the one being fooled here?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-05 21:53 ID:Heaven

>Or am I the one being fooled here?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-06 00:46 ID:z0ATnsh+

Friend, I'm in the same situation as you are. Since birth, my family and I have always lived in extremely hot places, and I have never needed pants. However, I am in need of a job soon, and I think it would be unprofessional to wear boxers/shorts to work.

I decided to go to a clothing store, and look in the pants section. After about an hour, I finally grabbed a pair and went to the changing rooms. When I got a stall, I had no god damn idea how to wear them. I just sat in the stall for 10 minutes and awkwardly chuckled to the lady standing outside, "Oh, they were too big on me.". Worse day of my life.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-06 07:13 ID:Heaven

this post made me lol

12 Name: Dusty-chan : 2008-06-06 23:43 ID:qnFXYLrr

Put them on one leg at a time!

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-07 12:24 ID:1EivgcEl

Paint them on.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-08 13:18 ID:VONIxkuX

I'm afraid you have AIDS, OP.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-08 13:32 ID:SCnYQWnD

put them on head first.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-08 18:12 ID:SCnYQWnD

Nothing a little duct tape can't fix.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 01:51 ID:FjFzKF+K

Maybe try wearing two pair of paints, one on the front and one on the rear, and sew them together. Should do the trick for people who watch you from a distance.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 02:24 ID:Heaven

faggot troll

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 07:11 ID:gUQdPrjf

Did someone already say you were unusually obese? Because I think the inability to have a clothed constraint on your entire leg makes the problem (which has most likely been tested with increasingly large sizes of pants) a matter of user error.

So, lose weight. Fatass.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 07:16 ID:Heaven

guys why is it whenever I take the derivative of my leg size and try to find a set of pants with an upper bound larger than my leg, I always fail??? I can't put my pants on all the way please help

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 14:14 ID:n2y4CiJu

OMG I have that exact problem but with long sleeved shirts! I just can't put them on.

T-shirts, just fine. Coats, okay. But long sleeved shirts? Nuh uh.

22 Name: sage : 2008-06-11 04:48 ID:Heaven


23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-18 21:20 ID:z0ATnsh+

>>10 here

After another failure of pants shopping, I am going to give up. It's utterly hopeless to think that I can ever wear pants like a fucking normal person. I am tired of wearing shorts, I always have a god damn tan even in winter. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm considering suicide. Please help me 4-ch, please tell me how to wear pants. This is my last chance at a normal life.

24 Name: sage : 2008-06-19 19:00 ID:Heaven

obvious trolls are obvious

just put some motherfucking pants on and get over with it

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 15:10 ID:7n7ZQnG3

I'm afraid I can't do that.

26 Name: sexmaster5000 : 2008-07-14 01:51 ID:ut/l7yHW

sleep with your mom

27 Name: problem solved : 2008-07-19 22:19 ID:eEibAfSk

I had that problem, and then I cut off my legs. Things have been great ever since and I learned a valuable lesson: no problem is too big to hack away.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-22 09:26 ID:ik7FGy8H

What exactly is the problem?! They're pants! You just grab the top with both hands, stick one leg down each hole one at a time, then zipper (if has zipper not all do) then button. It's as simple as eating. lol.

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