This is a very serious problem. Ever since I could walk I have been unable to put on pants. I have always been outcasted and chided for not being able to wear anything other than shorts. I am now moving to Massachusetts where it will be very cold and I don't think I will be able to continue to wear shorts. Please give me any tips or tricks that you use to put on pants. Thank you.
Wear a kilt.
Sew two pairs of shorts together.
Why can't you? exactly what problem are you having?
Friend, I'm in the same situation as you are. Since birth, my family and I have always lived in extremely hot places, and I have never needed pants. However, I am in need of a job soon, and I think it would be unprofessional to wear boxers/shorts to work.
I decided to go to a clothing store, and look in the pants section. After about an hour, I finally grabbed a pair and went to the changing rooms. When I got a stall, I had no god damn idea how to wear them. I just sat in the stall for 10 minutes and awkwardly chuckled to the lady standing outside, "Oh, they were too big on me.". Worse day of my life.
Put them on one leg at a time!
Paint them on.
I'm afraid you have AIDS, OP.
put them on head first.
Nothing a little duct tape can't fix.
Maybe try wearing two pair of paints, one on the front and one on the rear, and sew them together. Should do the trick for people who watch you from a distance.
Did someone already say you were unusually obese? Because I think the inability to have a clothed constraint on your entire leg makes the problem (which has most likely been tested with increasingly large sizes of pants) a matter of user error.
So, lose weight. Fatass.
guys why is it whenever I take the derivative of my leg size and try to find a set of pants with an upper bound larger than my leg, I always fail??? I can't put my pants on all the way please help
OMG I have that exact problem but with long sleeved shirts! I just can't put them on.
T-shirts, just fine. Coats, okay. But long sleeved shirts? Nuh uh.
>>10 here
After another failure of pants shopping, I am going to give up. It's utterly hopeless to think that I can ever wear pants like a fucking normal person. I am tired of wearing shorts, I always have a god damn tan even in winter. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm considering suicide. Please help me 4-ch, please tell me how to wear pants. This is my last chance at a normal life.
obvious trolls are obvious
just put some motherfucking pants on and get over with it
sleep with your mom
I had that problem, and then I cut off my legs. Things have been great ever since and I learned a valuable lesson: no problem is too big to hack away.
What exactly is the problem?! They're pants! You just grab the top with both hands, stick one leg down each hole one at a time, then zipper (if has zipper not all do) then button. It's as simple as eating. lol.