How many people here ACTUALLY expect to retire at some future date and how much money to do have saved/expect to have when you retire.
Or have you already retired and is it good or does your life suck in retirement?
I'm having way too much fun to want to retire. I get paid to do what I enjoy. 'course, things might change in a few decades, in which case I'll just be in a different profession. Maybe start a business.
Inactivity is a common result of retirement, and death follows a lot sooner. If you don't use something, nature makes you lose it.
Honestly, i'm not planning on retiring. I'm gonna blow away all my money and hopefully i will die when i'm 40 or something or if not i'll just commit suicide. Do you actually expect to enjoy your life after working all your life like a dog..nope,you will feel tired,exhausted,depressed and hoping to die..and aaall that money will go to the state (or children if you have any..but meh,4-chners don't have children)
I'd like to be able to retire, but I'll probably die while I have a job. I'm about 400 pounds so I won't live too long anyway.