Getting fired is awesome![Company Standards] (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 16:46 ID:q0WoQgKm

So, I got fired a couple days ago from my shitty job at a large American retail store. Now, the problem is, I wasn't fired for being shitty to customers or not showing up all the time, I was fired for sucking at the retail components - like keeping stuff stocked and looking nice, and doing stuff like that.

The reason I was fired pretty much tells me that I shouldn't look for another job in retail, because I'm obviously not good at it (as sad as that sounds). Additionally, I refuse to work in food service, and am too clumsy for factory work. Is there any option aside from being a janitor at my mall?

I'm getting back into school this fall, but I need something in the meantime, as my landlord doesn't accept all-A report cards as payment.

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