I got laid off at my job a few days back, and while I would usually start looking for another job, I'm leaving for a family trip to Europe on the 31st of July and will be going back to college immediately afterwards. That means I'd only be able to work for a month, and I've called around a few places and most have said they won't take me if I'm only going to be working a month. At the same time, my spare money (aka my non-savings-for-Europe money) is almost out and I really don't want to look like a lazy bum in front of my parents (NOTE: not underage B&, just taking advantage of free room and food during the summers at parents' house).
What are some good ideas of things to do for chump change (for stuff like cell phone bill and grabbing a bite to eat with friends once in a while) and/or productive things to do for the next month?
Manufacturing plant or a paper route are holiday jobs for a short period.
I've tried a few places like that, but they said that all their holiday positions filled up in late May/early June. It doesn't really help that my parents live in the suburbs and don't have a car (I attend an urban-area university so I take the subway/bus everywhere most of the year)