Speaking and Learning disorder? (18)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 13:55 ID:3eoHifxF

Hi, gonna enroll in an university.
(most probably in physics or anything engineering related course)

I have some problems.

I can't express myself to well and if i have! to speak with other, my sentences get messed up (grammatical structure etc. etc.).
This is really uncomfortable.

Also i am slow at learning new things.
My longtime memory is also bad, most probably thanks to the concept of the school-system (just learning right before the test).

If i can't erase those 2 problems, i will FAIL hard at university.

Somebody with similar problems and tips?


2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 16:23 ID:gWDlfbOX

Personally I'd hate it if some retard was more successful than me in life, but other than that...

have you tried meditation or breathing techniques for about 30 minutes each day?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 18:12 ID:3eoHifxF

Hm, no.

Perhaps i should get some ritalin to concenctrate or focus better.

Other than, there is not much i can do.

Does meditation or breathing techniques really help?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 18:28 ID:YVW71Dti

At my university, you can go to the counseling/student services department and get a plan for students with disabilities so you can have extra resources and time for your studies. I have such a plan because I have bipolar disorder. Ask around your university about it!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 20:02 ID:3eoHifxF


If you would hate it, than why not try to be more successful, since it means you'd be more retarded....

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 20:55 ID:6nHV/vmG

> If i can't erase those 2 problems

Until the day that an electrician can open up our skulls and fix the faulty wiring found therein, we'll have to learn to live with our broken bodies.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 22:46 ID:3eoHifxF


I will choose death if i can't fix it on my own after i have tried to fix it with all the means i have.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-28 23:31 ID:OfHAo4HD

Try reviewing after the class or at the end of the day to reinforce what you learn

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-29 01:31 ID:gWDlfbOX

That's what everybody says, try something original and less die-y.

There are quite a few colleges whose learning centers border on hand-holding, I think you'll be find if you seek out resources for everything you need.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-29 02:29 ID:goY/HgoO

Just make sure to set aside a couple hours a day to actually do assignments/study and you'll be doing better than most, make sure to write everything you need to do down for each class in a dayplanner or something similar, so you don't forget. Most importantly as mentioned above do talk to the student support staff, it's their job to help you.

Cutting down on computer use to spend time on reading and other things that are dependent on concentration will probably help in the long run, as you learn how to cope.

As for the problem with speaking one piece of advice I can give is to take your time when speaking don't push yourself to get what you want to say out, and don't worry about it, relax because any stress you put on yourself is most likely going to worsen it.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-29 08:47 ID:yTrR4cGH


I used to have the same speaking problem but after enrolling in university (and coping one year with it for one year) it fixed itself.

As for the memory, I have no comment on that, try mnemotechny?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-30 10:01 ID:eX5nT4L5


Well perhaps you had to other you would have failed?

Some people only can show their potential when they are in "danger".

Did you hold many speeches and did you have many oral exams?

13 Name: XX : 2008-06-30 14:50 ID:lKmHNgdP

my husband is a speech language pathologist- a really good and respected one- he could probably help you.

but barring that, seriously, hit the school's disability office, they can be very useful. there's no shame in getting help for your problems.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-30 18:09 ID:3zITM+jJ

I will do anything to kill that problem.

I can't and don't want to fail at university.

I have failed so hard in school (for 13years).

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-30 21:34 ID:yTrR4cGH


I didn't really have a lot of presentations or oral exams but most of the assignments were given for teamwork, so i was forced to interact with other people.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-06 05:17 ID:Fi4hwxx3

Do you stutter or clutter when you speak?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-06 11:10 ID:OsDjsg5B

Yeah, i clutter often when i have to talk.......(forgot some words, incomplete sentences, grammatical wrong or whatever...)

When i am in a situation i didn't expect.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-09 06:32 ID:Fi4hwxx3

Then I would recommend just practicing socializing with others. It could be your close family, just try to have more conversations. It will help you a lot.

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