Indecision - What course to study? (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-02 20:26 ID:7X8FtEvj

Physics - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - Engineering

I just can't decide.

And i need to make a decision very soon.

interest fields:

  • materialengineering (polymers)
  • robotics
  • bionics
  • nanotechnology
  • bioengineering
  • energy engineering (finally finding a way to store mass energy in a small space effectively and converting it effectively anytime)

I don't know about physics, especially the theoretical stuff that has no real use in this world.

And i can't study for 2 bachelors because the state won't support me then.

Please help.

2 Name: silent11 : 2008-07-02 21:18 ID:+7c8AwOJ

wait so are you undergrad?

go for EE.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-02 21:46 ID:7X8FtEvj

Yes, i want to enroll into university.

So i will study for a bachelor degree first.

Is it uncommen to study for masters degree in engineering although you have a bachelor in physics?

I mean, is it a must to study physics master?

I just can't decide :(

What if i study course X and after 2 semesters, it become clear that i am not really interested in it because of various reasons (e.g. too theoretical etc.)

4 Name: silent11 : 2008-07-02 22:14 ID:+7c8AwOJ

wait, so you already have your bachelors in physics?

yeah im indecisive too. just take your cores for the first two semesters.

but if you already have a bachelors, that must mean you're going for your masters degree...rite?

i dunno, but goodluck, and...i'd go for the degree that will make you the most money. =O.

5 Name: lettuce : 2008-07-02 22:19 ID:UXw5oaCd

Doesn't it depend on the college?
Go ask an academic advisor.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-02 22:45 ID:7X8FtEvj


>"So i will study for a bachelor degree first."

Well in our country, the bachelor/master system is not that good.

It is not that permeable.

You have to determine your course before you start and it is almost impossible to switch........

7 Name: silent11 : 2008-07-02 22:51 ID:+7c8AwOJ

ouch.... some research/soul searching....

and then go for the money maker =O.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 09:11 ID:fuuscSei

Anyways, this is my LAST chance.

If i screw up i will watch you from hell or heaven then :)

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