Concerned about my height. (42)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 22:14 ID:xyj2uETU

>>12 Hey honey, if you've got a problem with those shoes, then tell all of your friends to stop wearing high heels. If not, continue being a hypocritical cunt. I know a couple where the guy purposely wears those type of shoes to be taller than his girl. It just looks better. I believe Nicholas Sarkozy even has a pair in order to be taller than Carla Bruni.

I wear the shoes because it's fun to be tall. Everyone knows that I do. Women have no problem with it. Again to the original poster: buy a pair of "walk-tall" type shoes and become of a normal height. Walk down the street, finally at the same level as everyone else. Trust me on this, it will fix 99% of all your problems.

You will feel a hundred times better. Don't keep the fact you wear them some bottled up secret; but do get them.

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