Concerned about my height. (42)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 01:52 ID:Nlc37JF7

OP here.

My height bothers me because I'm a guy, and as far as I know, all girls want tall guys. It pisses me off that no matter how hard I try to better myself, no matter how good my grades are at school, girls will ignore me if I'm short. Example: one of my loser friends (who is 6 feet tall) manages to get a girlfriend whenever he wants while I, the guy who works his ass off in school and everywhere else, gets IGNORED by every girl I care to approach.

Sorry if that sounded like a rant; I'm just very frustrated.

As for how tall I want to be: I'd be happy anywhere over 5'9.5". I don't think I'm asking for much, really.

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