Concerned about my height. (42)

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-06 16:30 ID:y5UbwDES


you moron.. you're just spewing out rhetoric that you heard off the latest feel-good TV series. it IS his height, not some "deeper problem." you've clearly never seen what short people have to go through.

let me tell you a story, i used to have a friend who was ugly in high school. he was suicidal, depressed, on the verge of ending it all constantly. as he grew up he started to get attractive, and grew out of that phase, he also lost his "baby fat" and now he's one of the most confident people i know, it was all down to his looks

these specific problems ARE about just that.. what they are

buy the shoes, it's only $70. if anyone mentions the fact you wear them, show you're confident enough to not give a fuck by laughing in their face.

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