I hate real life (33)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-07 02:11 ID:mrAz+nnE

dont know if this is the right stuff for you, but i've been listening to it on and off for half a year now and it's really helped me to re-frame my mind, and to change a few relationships that i was not happy about and now am. If you are living in sadness, the co-host of the radio podcasts is a therapist, and she takes emails and skype calls from ppl who just want to chat about their problems. In exchange you've got all your dirty laundry on the net, but hey as long as you maintain anonymous then all is good. Theres also a whole lot of stuff on philosophy that i found helpful, and some positions may seem radical and weird, but i think the logic is sound.

Anyhow, the website is freedomainradio.com,

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