I hate real life (33)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 14:15 ID:8OEaqbPs

Hey OP, glad to hear that you do have important people in your life, and you're still persevering despite your letdowns. However I'm just interested in what could possibly be so wrong with you as to make other people alienate you in such a way. I mean you sound pretty articulate, rational and down to earth, and even though I've had my fair share of set-backs and bullying, I still can not relate to your tough breaks. No friends at all? Is this because of lack of trying? I'm sure even the dopiest, most socially awkward person will find a group of buddies that he/she could relate to if he tried. And being cut off from family? That's intense. I admire your determination in living through each day.

Please tell us how you met your wifey. It sounds like quite a story. You have me very intrigued, OP.

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