Everything you've ever done is your own damn fault. (32)

14 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-10 09:14 ID:rcorUwEt

>>11san, everybody has something positive in their life. Everybody. No exceptions. Everybody's got a shot at living a happy life. There's always something being taken for granted, if anybody thinks they have nothing going for them.

Seriously, people. Reality is not always ugly, even if most of it is. Just because it is ugly does not mean it is reality, don't rationalize to yourself that it is somehow realistic a person would not have any good things going for them in life.

I'm tired of hearing suicidal shit from rich white kids in suburbs, it's just so annoying. They have a roof over their head, parents who care, free food, utilities paid for, but they rationalize to themselves that they have the worst life just because they're slightly overweight.


Screw you.

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