Clubbing/Dancing...EURGH! (16)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 20:58 ID:iYnKS86V

call me a prude but i am damn turned off by the idea of clubbing.

girls say they go there to dance and have a good time.

my friends tell me they've been groped and even had someone stick his hand up one of my friend's skirts before she even had time to react.

why the fuck would any girl want to step into a place where the risk of getting groped or fondled by some random horny stranger is so high? isn't it really cheapening yourself?

and don't get me started on those sluts who have simulated sex with random guys on the dance floor. i mean i admit that i'd enjoy it if the girl was hot and iw as feeling horny but after that i'd have close to zero respect for the girl.

add alcohol into the mix and its really a damn unsavoury activity. you never know what you get up to when you're high.

2 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-11 21:57 ID:ViLhLKTn

Yup. Shit sucks. Also, stay away from people who are dumb enough to go to those things.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-11 22:43 ID:Heaven

Yeah, it's not like some people just like to have a drink or two and have fun on the music.

And if you can't control your drinking and stop before you go out of control, yes, you shouldn't drink.

Oh my. Hahaha.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 00:00 ID:k3nu4kRb

I like the idea of going to a loud, crowded dance floor where nobody knows who I am and dancing my heart out (I am a baaaaaaad dancer) but I find the idea of going "clubbing", especially to pick up guys, repulsive. Why would I want to pick up a guy who looks for drunk girls, and/or whose idea of a good time is getting drunk and watching sleazy girls be stupid?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 01:33 ID:Heaven

I'm >>3, and your first sentence resumed my point. I've always found that dancing the night away was an awesome way to unwind. It's also very sportsy as you usually find me jumping all around.

That said I find the idea of "going to club to pick up chicks" silly, though I wouldn't say it's "repulsive". Just not my thing. But going to clubs to meet other people to have fun with, yeah, whatever, why not.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 07:22 ID:iYnKS86V

OP here. I have no problem with dancing, letting your hair down and unwinding after a stressful work day/week.

but the thing is, especially for girls, you might not be the loose/slutty sort but the moment you step into the club and onto the dance floor you risk gtting molested by some random stranger dude. is the dancing SO good that you're willing to let your boob get groped twice a night or something? the thing is it happens alot of times before you can even react or give the guy the look of death or get your guy friends to beat him up or sth.

this is just what i have seen with my own eyes and from first hand accounts from my friends. the guys talk about how they manage to grab some ass or boob and the girls talk (disgustedly) about how they got groped. (yet they still go back for more. what gives?)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 08:40 ID:2njJVzGE

Maybe you just can't reconcile your sexual desire with your inability (either physically, mentally, or both) to satisfy it, unlike some of the people you find at those clubs.

If dancing is what you want, then dance in your room.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 12:19 ID:Heaven

Because the fun factor for dancing nameless on a crowded stage, in the darkness with blinding blinking lights and strobes, with music louder than you can get outweights that risk? And because that risk is not as high as you might want it to be, and because being groped is awkward and disgusting but isn't like you're going to get raped on the spot?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 19:01 ID:Heaven

i went to club wen i was 15 and these creepy men groped on my ass for ages >_<

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 20:11 ID:Heaven

Thus I approve this thread! :)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-12 22:11 ID:AlntZM1F

I love to go to clubs! I dip my hands full of herpes juices and spread spread spread^^ (especially young female flesh..yummy)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-13 00:27 ID:k3nu4kRb

>>4 here. I usually only go dancing at the pseudo-raves Sakura-con holds (only a few hundred people) and have never been groped there; although that's probably a product of the kind of crowd there. I don't get why others would ant to be groped, either. But it's not usually a problem I have, as I am rather fat and not well-endowed >.<

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 19:49 ID:MI4AiB+7

All the girls I've met clubbing have been dumb, doe-eyed sluts looking for anyone under 30 with a drink, a dick, or weed. Every couple I know who meets at a club breaks up in like 3 weeks max.

It's a pretty insane, intense crowd. Exercise caution.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 21:27 ID:aA9SSlqk

Me and my ex-girlfriend would go to a club every couple of weeks with her friends. When she wasn't with me like going to the toilet her ass was groped at least once.
However I would say it's not a bad place to go with friends but I'll agree it's an awful place to go to find any sort of relationship that doesn't end with "I guess I should be going then".

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 23:29 ID:Ecf4F8jY

i love clubs. but i only go to dance and drink and enjoy myself. i guess it helps that i am gay and i mostly go to "straight" clubs (if you can call them that)... i have no desire to pick someone up in a club, and the gay places all play terrible music, so i never go to them.

i'm not a girl so i don't get groped by creepy guys (although i think that really really depends on the crowd, i've never heard female friends complaining of such in the places i usually go to) and any drunk girl who decides to hit on me can be easily turned away with three simple words (or if i find it amusing i just let her carry on for a while)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-20 02:37 ID:XOxLcZgA

I'd like clubs more if all the ones I've been to didn't leave me half-deaf for a couple days after.

Regulars of those places must need hearing aids.

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