I lost my religion........ (55)

1 Name: UnicornMode!Qz0e4gvs0s : 2008-07-14 03:38 ID:Heaven

Alright, the thread title tells everything....so I hope there will be NO religious sickos out who came to this thread and started their useless dogmas!


Ok, the story goes like this. I was once being rise up in a strictly religious family who who was, in fact far from practicing their beliefs.being send to a religious school once, I keep my beliefs alone while helplessly persuading my parent to worship god as they used to be in their early days......

It didn't happen anyway. They prefer to just eat, sleep, go to work, starts the useless gossiping and rises me like a pet. I feel so betrayed, considering that it was them that teaches me about morality, the existence of god and blablabla....

I just hates when they starts bashing some peoples inferior to them, questioning their manners while they in fact is far more worser than them! What type of god who tells you that you are the chosen, not the heathens who eventually go to hell?? All people can good deed in their life, regardless their race, their religion, their country and so on but......IS THIS THE UNIVERSALITY THAT GOD SAYS SO???

Then came to the time when I was enrolled in a college. Having no friends (being a hikki for too long thats why!) and being as some sort of nerd I was easily being bullied off. Until one day, I met a very nice person. A girl to which I was fell in love to.
We I was once thought she was a Catholic until I found out she also living in a mess far more severe than me.

Her father was a pedophile, who rapes his own daughter and shockingly "her sister!" (who evently become her mom of course!). I just can't imagined how can she living in such matter.She was also only had few friends.

We dating many times. Her loneliness and her past turns me into a protective person who eventually began to hate those money hogging businessman! (her father is a dirty rich guy who manages a shipping company). Our love gets stronger and stronger until I found out she had a chronic lug complication and she never told me. I knew it in a hard way, during our college's sports day.

She died horribly. I didn't even expect that my last call to her is actually my last chance to hear her voice. A car rammed her while we had a great conversation-to get married.

Once again, after my parents knew this they blamed for loving a person whom I shouldn't be. I pissed off. Their racism speaks louder than their religious duties. Later, they asked me whether or not I can get work and give them money, again MONEY!!!! A word that ruins my one and only lover's life!

So, I need guidance. I recently began to accept atheist views but I still not clear of everything yet. I have lots of questions to ask. How atheist buried when they die? How they get married? How do you guys life without fear of the existence of HIM?? (call me an agnostic if you want to). Please, help me as I just hated to be a fool who was waiting for a messiah who is never shows up! Hope you guys are not racist as well. I am not Caucasian and a native English speaker so please....

Thinking this with my fragile life makes mad.....truly..
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