I want to get some people out of my life (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 02:07 ID:bDiJ3b0y

Two of them to be precise. I cannot fucking stand these people. I don't want to see them ever again, or receive any calls, texts, instant messages or anything else.

BUT I want to get rid of them without pissing them off too much, because I dunno what they would do if I did (they know enough about me that with a few carefully placed lies mixed with truth they could pretty much ruin my life if they wanted to)

any suggestions?

(moving is not an option)

2 Name: : 2008-07-18 02:27 ID:S2nSRGTw

ok,who are those people then?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-18 04:37 ID:Cd+I3aUD

If moving's not an option, you're pretty much screwed. Sounds like you're already in the losing position.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-19 01:33 ID:Heaven

Find up stuff about them so you could screw their life too. Even the power balance.

Then cut them off.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 04:38 ID:zx0vyFd9

silly teenager.

No matter what they say, it wont matter casue it wont ruin your life as you know it.....unless your over dramatic about who your 8th grade crush was.

Find out what is pissing you off about then and try and find solutions. Maybe it isnt them, maybe it could be your self. No ones perfect, but I dont think their that evil to ruin your life.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 07:42 ID:X9wJ/9qG

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-21 10:14 ID:zinOeo31

I find telling people directly is the best option, despite them holding dirt on you, as you could just brush them off as lies.

However, if it's things you can't brush off, then I suggest you avoid their constant texts, calls, invitations, and so on. However I suspect you may have already done this, so changing your mobile number is another option and ensure those you give your new number to DO NOT pass it onto them. If that's not going to happen, get on their nerves in an indirect way so they wouldn't want to contact you anymore e.g. act like a weirdo in front of their friends. Otherwise, I'd go with the upfront option.

I'm also with >>5 on this concerning finding what's pissing you off about them, however if you still insist on cutting your ties with them, then be prepared for any consequences in doing so, if there are any at all. Also try >>4's advice if possible.

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