continued from romance (41)

30 Name: Anonymous-chan : 2008-08-19 22:46 ID:UfQ1dxUS

Don't overexert yourself. And just try to cope with it but try to do things that'll take your mind of it. Even if it's for a moment it'll remove some stress. And not sulking so much is an improvement =D Just keep moving forward! I believe you can get through it! As a girl who's been through these types of relationships, oh trust me i had one almost exactly like it but i sulked waaaaaaaaaay more. It sux i know. But I was able to get through it so can you!! You can do it!! You can even try to be busy so you won't have time to sulk! Just, again, don't overexert yourself and don't think of it as a step back or a horrible thing. If you enjoyed the times you had then don't be sad, be happy that you had the chance to make those memories. Just keep moving forward =D

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