continued from romance (41)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-21 04:35 ID:t9yOFpmB

I don't know if you needed to lose weight, but I know that my last breakup I lost 10kgs. I didn't need to lose them, and while I was depressing/not eating/etc., I didn't see that as a good thing. Then some time later I meet a friend I hadn't seen for a couple months and she tells me that I look great and "hey, you lost some weight didn't you?"

Something I can tell you helps about this issue is to do some exercise (just force yourself into it, not much, some pushups and abs each day) and then eat some meat, not much, but the exercise would probably have opened your appetite at least a little bit. That way you'll be able to eat, build up or keep some muscle mass (because when you don't hit muscles get hit hard), and there you go.

Hey, some people are struggling with diets. Depressive people should feel lucky!

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