i know that it depends on the individuals, but are japanese people racist? the reason i ask is because i'm chinese, and i have friends who have gone to japan, some just to travel and one is actually working there, and they tell me of the racist things and discrimination they face... i know that other asian people, such as koreans and chinese, are treated worse than white americans because japanese people (some?) think they are better... but is there any truth to this?
i don't want to sound like i'm creating conflict here, because i really am not, i just really want to know about this, if any of you actually experienced discrimination while in japan?
i just hope that this is not the case because i like japan, and the japanese culture, and i cannot imagine myself to hating or disliking someone simply because of their race.
from what i've heard, yes
I think there is a bit of racism, yes.
Actually, Japanese society is pretty racist, but they aren't as open about it as some Western countries are.
I have a Japanese friend who, when hearing about Chinese/Korean things will make a really disgusted faced. But, on the flip side, she has Chinese and Korean friends and has no problem with them. I think it's more of a dislike for the culture, rather than with the individual people themselves.
Japanese don't like white people much either:
Now I certainly don't consider myself a Weeaboo or anything like that. But I can understand some of the things in that video. Especially in regards to limiting foreigners to entering with a Japanese guest.
Japan is a tough place to travel around as a Westerner. Unlike in Europe, you cannot simply guess your way through menus or signs and the whole culture is quite different from what we have. Besides, it's not like it's applied enmasse.
I'm sure the Japanese are looking at Europe's rioting Muslims and America's warring tribes and thinking "let's import some foreigners. Diversity is strength".
>>5 some of those signs look like they go with a private club so I would understand why they don't want certain people going to them without an escort.
Traveling there and living there are certain two different things. When you are a tourist and you're just traveling, people don't seem to mind much because you're just there temporarily, and also most tourists only go to the famous sightseeing places so they won't encounter much troubles. But it's only when you live there and you become one of them that you start seeing all the facets of being a foreigners in Japan. I am speaking from experience because I used to work there, briefly, and as Korean, I encountered my share of discrimination.
I'm an American with a Taiwanese background. Would I still be discriminated if I tried to make a living in Japan?
They aren't as open about it? What the fuck are you talking about?
The Japanese openly have signs saying "no niggers," "no foreigners" etc. Whites are forced to cover up their feelings about blacks because otherwise we would get sued.
They even hate Koreans and Chinese.
These signs are on a very small, small portion of businesses.
And wouldn't you rather know where you're not welcome?
I've heard that the "no foreigner" signs are mainly in Hokkaido and used to avoid spectacles caused by heavily intoxicated Russians.
I've also seen them at public baths and hostess bars, in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. They don't want us gaijin touchin' on their women or getting dirty roundeye hair in their drains.
While backpacking in Australia, I traveled with a korean-japanese couple. For the most part I didnt consider the japanese I encountered racist, but maybe it was only in Australia.
probably talking about Japanese in japan.
i'm full japanese, and i've had a Korean and Chinese girlfriend. i have no problem with it, my parents have no problem with it, my grandparents were in love with both of them.
Ok, what about other Asians like the ones that comes from south east?
This thread is terrible. Have any of you ever even travelled before? I spent 2 years back packing around Asia, from Japan to India, and not once did I meet somebody who was racist or even had slight animosity towards me or white people as a whole. Sure, it exists, but rarely will you ever see, hear or encounter it. Stop pulling shit out of your asses.